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Text File | 1995-08-13 | 20.5 KB | 801 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- BASIC(1) chipmunk-basic v3.2 BASIC(1)
- Chipmunk BASIC - 'BASIC' language interpreter
- basic [ filename ]
- Chipmunk basic is an interpreter for the BASIC language. If a
- filename parameter is given, then the named program file is
- loaded and run as a Basic program.
- Basic commands and statements can be entered and interpreted in
- immediate mode or executed as program statements when the Basic
- program is run. A built-in line number based editor allows
- program input from the console keyboard. See below for the
- commands the interpreter recognizes.
- none
- Standard mumbleSoft-like Basic Commands:
- Load a program into memory from the named file. The
- program previously in memory is erased. All
- variables are cleared. All lines in the file must
- begin with a line number. Line numbers do not
- need to be in increasing order.
- Save the current program to a named file.
- new
- Erase the program in memory. All files are closed and
- all variables are cleared.
- clear
- All variables are cleared. All arrays and string
- variables are deallocated.
- run { LINENUM }
- run { STRINGEXPR { , LINENUM } }
- Begin execution of the program at the first line, or at
- the specified line. All variables are cleared. If a
- STRINGEXPR is given then the BASIC program with that name
- file is loaded into memory first. Program lines are
- executed in line number order.
- cont
- CONTinue execution of the program on the next statement
- after the statement on which the program stopped execution
- due to a STOP command or an error. See BUGS section.
- goto LINENUM
- This statement will transfer control to the line number
- specified. If the program is not running, then this
- command will begin execution at the specified line
- without clearing the variables. An "Undefined line"
- error will occur if LINENUM doesn't exist in the program.
- list
- List the whole program.
- list 1-3
- List lines 1 to 2
- list -2
- List lines up to 1
- list 1
- List line 1
- list 2-
- List lines from 2 on
- Load a program into memory. The previous program
- remains in memory; if a line exists in both programs,
- the newly loaded line is kept.
- renum STRINGEXPR VAL { , VAL { , VAL { , VAL} } }
- Renumber program lines. By default, the new sequence
- is 10,20,30,... The first argument is a new initial
- line number; the second argument is the increment
- between line numbers. The third and fourth arguments,
- if present, specify a limiting range of old line numbers
- to renumber. RENUM can be used to move non-overlapping
- blocks of code.
- edit LINENUM
- Edit a given line. If the exit from the edit is via a
- cntrl-c then do not change the line.
- i insert till <return>
- x delete one char
- A append to end of line
- Delete a specified range of lines. If not found then no
- lines will be deleted. If used inside a program, DEL
- will terminate execution only if it deletes the line on
- which it appears.
- exit
- bye
- quit
- Terminates the basic interpreter, ending program
- execution and closing all files.
- { let } VAR = EXPR
- Assign a value to a variable. Variable names can be up
- to 31 significant characters, consisting of letters,
- digits, underscores, and an ending dollar sign.
- Variable names are case insensitive. Variables can
- hold real numbers (IEEE double) or strings of up
- to 254 characters. If the variable name ends with a
- "$" it holds strings, otherwise it holds numbers. If a
- statement starts with a variable name then an implied
- LET is assumed.
- print or '?' VAL | STRINGVAL { [ , | ; ] VAL ... } { ; }
- print #FNUM, VAL ...
- This command will print its parameters tab delimited.
- If a semi-colon is used between parameters then no tab
- is inserted between the parameters. The print
- output is terminated with a carriage return unless the
- parameter list ends with a semi-colon. If a file
- descriptor is given then output is redirected to the
- given file. If a
- tab(VAL);
- is found in a print statement, then print output will
- skip to the horizontal position specified by VAL.
- print { #FNUM, } using STRINGVAL ; VAR { [ , | ; ] VAR ... }
- Prints formatted numbers. Legal characters for the
- format string are: + * $ # . and trailing spaces.
- Examples:
- print using "**$###.##"; 1.23 -> ****$1.23
- print using "###.##"; 2.12345 -> 2.12
- input { # FNUM , } { STRINGVAR | VAR { , VAR } }
- input "prompt"; { STRINGVAR | VAR { , VAR } }
- Input from a terminal or from a file. If the input is
- from the terminal then a prompt message can also be
- added.
- All input to string variables is "line input"; a whole
- input line will be read into one string variable. This
- usage is different from other versions Basic.
- Gets one character from the console keyboard. Blocking.
- cls
- Clear the terminals screen. Leaves the cursor in the
- upper left corner. For Applesoft BASIC fans, the "home"
- command will also do this.
- end
- Terminates program execution and returns to the command
- prompt. Not required.
- stop
- Stops the execution of the program and returns to
- the command prompt. Prints a "Break..." message.
- if EXPR then LINENUM
- if EXPR
- The IF statement. If the condition is true then the
- STATEMENTS after the THEN are executed and the
- statements after the ELSE are skipped. If the
- condition is false then the statements after the "else"
- are executed instead. If the item after "then" is a
- line number then a goto is executed.
- If the condition is true and there is no THEN on the
- same line, statements are executed until a line
- with an ENDIF is found. (block IF() ... ENDIF)
- for VAR = EXPR to EXPR { step EXPR }
- Beginning of a "for next" loop. It takes a starting
- value, a limit and an optional step argument. If the
- step value is negative, the variable counts down. The
- body of the loop is not executed if the end condition
- is true initially.
- Example:
- for i=1 to 10 : print i, : next i
- rem prints the numbers from 1 through 10
- next { VAR }
- End of a "for next" loop. If the termination
- conditions are met then execution falls through to the
- following statement, otherwise execution returns to the
- statement following the corresponding "for" statement.
- The "next" does not need a variable name parameter. If
- this is the case the innermost "for" loop is used.
- while { EXPR }
- Start of a WHILE loop. The loop is repeated until EXPR
- is false. If EXPR is false at loop entry, then the loop
- is not executed at all. A WHILE loop must be
- terminated by a WEND statement.
- wend { EXPR }
- Terminating statement of a WHILE loop. If EXPR is true
- then exit the loop. Only one WEND is allowed for each
- WHILE. A WHILE-WEND loop without a condition will loop
- forever.
- gosub LINENUM
- Transfer command to a line number. Save return address
- so that the program can resume execution at the
- statement after the "gosub" command. The recursion
- depth is limited only by available memory.
- return
- Returns from the most recently activated subroutine
- call (must have been called by gosub).
- on EXPR goto LINENUM { , LINENUM ... }
- on EXPR gosub LINENUM { , LINENUM ... }
- on error goto LINENUM
- This command will execute either a goto or a gosub to
- the specified line number indexed by the value of EXPR.
- If the error form is used, only one linenumber is
- allowed. LINENUM is the line to which control is
- transferred if an error occurs. A GOTO or CONT statement
- can be used to resume execution. An error inside a named
- SUB subroutine cannot be resumed from or CONTinued.
- sub NAME ( VAR { , VAR ... } }
- Subroutine entry. May be called by a CALL statement or
- by NAME. A SUB subroutine must be exited by a RETURN or
- END SUB statement. There should be only one RETURN or
- END SUB statement per SUB subroutine. The variables in
- the VAR list become local variables. String and numeric
- arguments are passed by value; array arguments must be
- pre-dimensioned and are passed by reference.
- Example:
- 110 x = foo (7, j) : rem Pass 7 and j by value.
- ...
- 2000 sub foo (x,y,z) : rem z is a local variable
- 2010 print x : rem prints 7 the first time
- 2090 return (y+1) : rem also restores x,y,z
- select case EXPR
- Multi-way branch. Executes the statements after the CASE
- statement which matches the SELECT CASE expression, then
- skips to the END SELECT statement. If these is no match,
- and a CASE ELSE statement is present, then execution defaults
- to the statements following the CASE ELSE.
- Example:
- 200 select case x
- 210 case 2
- ...
- 230 case 3, 4
- ...
- 270 case else
- ...
- 290 end select
- dim VAR( d { , d { , d } } ) { , VAR( d { , d { , d } } ) }
- Dimension an array or list of arrays (string or numeric).
- A maximum of 4 dimensions can be used. The maximum
- dimension size is limited by available memory. Legal
- array subscripts are from 0 up and including the
- dimension specified; d+1 elements are allocated. All
- arrays must be dimensioned before use.
- Example:
- 10 dim a(10)
- 20 for i=0 to 10
- 30 a(i) = i^2
- 40 next i
- 50 print a(5) : rem should print 25
- read VAR { , VAR }
- Read data from the DATA statements contained in the
- program. List items can be either string or numeric
- variables. Reading past the end the last DATA statement
- generates an error.
- data ITEM { , ITEM }
- DATA statements contain the data used in the READ
- statements. Items must be separated by commas. The
- items may be either numeric or string expressions,
- corresponding to the type of variable being read.
- Reading the wrong kind of object produces a "Type
- mismatch" error.
- restore { LINENUM }
- The RESTORE statement causes the next READ to use the
- first DATA statement in the program. If a LINENUM is
- given then the DATA statement on or after that
- particular line is used next.
- rem or "`"
- A remark or comment statement. Ignored by the program
- during execution, however a REM statement can be the
- target of a GOTO or GOSUB.
- open STRINGEXPR for { input|output|append } as # FNUM
- Open a file. The { input|output|append } parameter
- specifies whether the file is to be read, written or
- appended. If STRINGEXPR is "stdin" for input or
- "stdout" for output then the console will be used
- instead of a file. A "file not found" error will
- occur if a non-existant file is specified in an OPEN
- for input statement.
- close # FNUM
- Close a file. Releases the file descriptor and flushes
- out all stored data.
- def fnNAME ( VAR { , VAR } ) = EXPR
- Define a user definable function.
- Example:
- 10 def fnplus(x,y) = x+y
- 20 print fnplus(3,5) : rem prints 8
- { let } mid$( STRINGVAR, EXPR1, EXPR2 ) = STRINGEXPR
- Insert STRINGEXPR into STRINGVAR starting at EXPR1
- for character length EXPR2.
- Executes STRINGEXPR as a statement or command.
- e.g. exec("print " + "x") will print the value of x.
- Poke a byte into a memory location. Unreasonable
- addresses can cause bus-errors.
- push VAR { , VAR ... }
- Pushes one or more expressions or variables onto an
- internal stack. Expressions can be returned using the
- POP function; variables can be returned by using the
- POP statement.
- pop VAL
- POP statement (see also POP function). Pops VAL
- variables off the internal stack, restoring the value
- of those variables to their pushed values.
- sgn(VAL)
- Returns the sign of the parameter value. Returns 1 if
- the value is greater than zero , zero if equal to zero.
- -1 if negative.
- abs(x)
- Returns the absolute value of x.
- int(x)
- Returns the integer value of x. Truncates toward zero.
- sqr(x)
- Returns the square root of x.
- log(x)
- Returns the natural logarithm of x.
- exp(x)
- Returns e^x. e=2.7182818...
- sin(x)
- cos(x)
- atn(x)
- Trigonometric functions: sin, cosine and arctangent.
- pi
- Returns pi, 3.14159265358979323...
- rnd ( EXPR )
- Returns a random number between 0 and int(EXPR)-1 inclusive.
- If EXPR is 1, then returns a fraction between 0 and 1.
- If EXPR is negative then EXPR seeds the random number
- generator.
- randomize EXPR
- Seeds the random number generator with the integer EXPR.
- Returns the length of the string STRINGEXPR.
- Value of the expression contained in STRINGEXPR.
- STRINGEXPR may be a string literal, variable, function,
- or expression.
- For example, VAL("1+sqr(4)") yields 3.
- Returns the ascii code for the first character of
- STRINGEXPR. A null string returns zero.
- instr(a$, b$ { , VAL } )
- Returns the position of the substring b$ in the string a$
- or returns a zero if b$ is not a substring.
- VAL is an optional starting position in a$
- eof(FILENUM)
- Returns true if the file specified by FILENUM has reached
- the end of the file.
- pop
- POP function (see also POP statement). Pops one variable
- value off the stack and returns that value (string or
- numeric).
- (POP can be used as either a statement (with a
- parameter) or a function (no parameter). Note that the
- POP function, unlike the POP statement, does not
- restore the value of the variable pushed, but only
- returns the pushed value. This use of the POP
- statement is different from the Applesoft usage.)
- peek( ADDR { , VAL } )
- Returns the value of the byte in memory at address ADDR.
- If VAL is 2 or 4, returns the value of the 16-bit or
- 32-bit word respectively (if correctly aligned).
- If VAL is 8, returns the value of the numeric variable
- located at ADDR. peek(varptr(x),8) equals x.
- varptr( VAR | STRINGVAR )
- Returns the memory address of a variable.
- erl
- Returns the line number of the last error. Zero if the
- error was in immediate mode. The variable errorstatus$
- gives the error type.
- timer
- Returns a numeric value of elapsed of seconds from the
- computers internal clock.
- x$ + y$
- String concatenation. Result must be 254 characters or less.
- chr$(VAL)
- Returns the ascii character corresponding to the value
- of VAL.
- str$( VAL { , EXPR } )
- Returns a string representation corresponding to VAL.
- If EXPR is present then the string is padded to that
- length.
- inkey$
- Return one character from the keyboard if input is
- available. Returns a zero length string { "" } if no
- keyboard input is available. Non-blocking. Can be used
- for keyboard polling.
- input$( EXPR { , FILENUM } )
- Returns EXPR characters from file FILENUM. If f is not
- present then get input from the console keyboard.
- mid$( a$, i { , j } )
- Returns a substring of a$ starting at the i'th
- positions and j characters in length. If the second
- parameter is not specified then the substring is taken
- from the start position to the end of a$.
- right$(a$, EXPR )
- Returns the right EXPR characters of a$.
- left$(a$, EXPR )
- Returns the left EXPR characters of a$.
- field$( STRINGVAL, VAL { , STRINGVAL } )
- Returns the n-th field of the first string. If the
- optional string is present then use the first character
- of that string as the field separator. The default
- separator is a space. Similar to UNIX 'awk' fields.
- e.g. field$("11 22 33 44", 3) returns "33"
- hex$( VAL { , EXPR } )
- bin$( VAL { , EXPR } )
- Returns the hexadecimal or binary string representation
- corresponding to VAL. If EXPR is present then the
- string is padded with zeros to make it that length.
- lcase$( STRINGVAL )
- Returns STRINGVAL in all lower case characters.
- errorstatus$
- Returns the error message for the last error.
- The following mathematical operators are available:
- ^ exponentiation
- * multiplication
- / division
- mod remainder
- + addition
- - subtraction
- logical operators: (any non-zero value is true)
- not logical not
- bitwise operators:
- and bitwise and
- or bitwise or
- xor bitwise exclusive-or
- comparison operators:
- <= less than or equal
- <> not equal to
- >= greater than or equal
- = equal
- > greater than
- < less than
- x$=y$, x$<y$, x$>y$, x$<=y$, x$>=y$, x$<>y$
- String comparisons; result is 1 if true, 0 if false.
- Operator precedence (highest to lowest):
- ( )
- not -{unary_minus} functions
- ^
- * / mod
- + -
- = < > <= >= <>
- and
- or xor
- UNIX commands and functions:
- sys( STRINGVAL )
- UNIX system call. The string parameter is given to
- the shell as a command.
- argv$
- Returns the UNIX shell command line arguments.
- Macintosh commands:
- gotoxy VAL, VAL
- Set the horizontal and vertical location of the
- text output cursor. (0,0) is the upper left corner.
- moveto VAL, VAL
- Sets the (x,y) location of the graphics pen.
- lineto VAL, VAL
- Draws a line from the current pen location to location
- (x,y) in the graphics window.
- window x, y, char_cols, char_lines
- Change the text console window position and size.
- morse STRINGVAL { , VAL, VAL, VAL, VAL }
- Plays morse code through the speaker.
- The parameters are { dot-speed-wpm, volume{0..100},
- word-speed-wpm, frequency_cps }
- sound VAL, VAL, VAL
- The parameters are
- { frequency_cps, seconds_duration, volume{0..100} }
- Speaks STRINGVAL if the Speech Manager Extension is
- resident. Try "say a$,200,46,1" for faster speech.
- open "SFGetFile" for input as #FNUM
- open "SFPutFile" for output as #FNUM
- Puts up a standard file dialog for the file name.
- files { STRINGVAL }
- Displays a listing of files in the named or current
- directory.
- Macintosh functions:
- fre
- Returns the amount of memory left for program use.
- date$
- Returns a string corresponding to the current date.
- time$
- Returns a string corresponding to the current time.
- pos(VAL)
- Returns the horizontal position of the text cursor.
- If VAL is negative returns the vertical position.
- errorstatus$
- Also returns the full path name of the program and
- files opened by SFGetFile. (under System 7 and only
- if the name fits in a string variable)
- Macintosh menu items:
- Open or <cmd>O will put up a dialog to allow selection
- of a program file to load. Basic Program file
- names must end with a ".bas" suffix.
- Copy will allow copying picts from the graphics
- window.
- <cmd>. Command-period will stop program execution.
- Print Print graphics window if it's the front most window.
- Only the graphics window can be printed.
- EXPR any expression that evaluates to a numeric value.
- STRINGEXPR a string expression.
- VAR a numeric variable.
- STRINGVAR a string variable. Name must end with a "$".
- INTEGERVAR a 16-bit variable. Name must end with a "%".
- All program lines must begin with a line number. A line number
- entered by itself will delete that program line. Using spaces
- (indentation) between the line number and program statements is
- legal. Line numbers can be between 1 and 2147483647.
- Hexadecimal numbers can be entered by preceding them with
- a "0x" as in 0x02ae, or by "&h" as in &h0172.
- Multiple statements may be given on one line, separated by
- colons:
- Some errors can be caught by the user program using the "on error
- goto" command. If no error trapping routine has been supplied
- then program execution is terminated and a message is printed
- with the corresponding line number.
- Graphics may require that the preferred memory requirements be
- increased using the Finder "Get Info" dialog box.
- David Gillespie wrote basic.p 1.0 and the p2c lib.
- Ron Nicholson (rhn@netcom.com) added file i/o, graphics and
- did the Unix, Macintosh and PowerMac port. (1990-1995May)
- Many.
- Can't CONTinue from an error inside a named SUB subroutine.
- PRINT USING format string doesn't recognize comma's or underscores.
- Integer VARs, like i%, don't work in FOR-NEXT statements. Integer
- arrays can only have a dimension of one and will only work in
- assignment (LET) statements. All arithmetic on integer variables
- is done using floating point arithmetic.
- Macintosh screen editing will only recognise the last line modified
- before a RETURN or ENTER key. The EDIT command and screen editing
- are incompatible.
- There are several undocumented graphics and sprite commands
- and keywords in the Macintosh port. See the accompanying README
- file.
- Portions Copyright (C) 1989 Dave Gillespie
- Copyright (C) 1994 Ronald H. Nicholson, Jr., All rights reserved.
- "Applesoft" is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., etc.